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RUN 3 - 5 km faster without feeling tired!

In six weeks, you'll notice that your running feels easier and you can go faster without feeling tired!

All you have to do is press 'Play' and your 20-minute workout is ready for you. 

That's it.


Having extremely focused run workouts can get you the cardio gains you want without taking away from the rest of your day.  

[2024] Run the Summer



Alecia Williams, Running Through Waterton National Park.jpg

Why This Program?

There are two reasons why this program is a no brainer.


1. We use our proprietary, time-tested system, The Adventure Ready Model that is designed to hit all the areas of fitness needed for running. We hit all the areas of fitness: The 5 S's of Strength and 4 S's of Cardio. This is more than just going out for a long run.

2. The personalized support. Our previous participants were SHOCKED by how much support they received. From personalized mobility, custom mileage goals, and equipment recommendations, I’m here to help you get the MOST out of this program.

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This program is the best fit if you...

  • Are returning to running and want to keep it easy, and simple. 

  • Want to do the shortest workouts possible (I do!)

  • Want to make the most out of all your summer adventures—hiking, biking, camping, BBQing!

  • Are not a gym buff, but want to be fit for outside the gym.

  • Want workouts that are pre-planned and can work around your busy schedule.

  • Need a bit of coaching support and accountability to help you reach your goals!

"Planning workouts has always been somewhat of a mental obstacle for me - in seeking the "perfect" workout I would sometimes get stuck in the planning stage and feel overwhelmed or run out of mental energy and not actually get to the work out stage! I love training with WILDR because Alecia does all the thinking for me! I can trust that I'm getting a workout program based in exercise science that is going to hit all the right muscle groups and energy systems for my goals in a time-efficient manner. With the planning obstacle out of the way, I'm more likely to stay consistent, which leads to more gains, which keeps me motivated to stick with it."

Sara, Run-Ready Participant

"I appreciated how Alecia was able to create a program that was tailored to my needs and my schedule. As a new mom I faced different challenges and she adapted my program accordingly. I was able to experience success at my level! I was able to complete a leg of the Elk Valley Ultra! This was an amazing experience for me and one I am very proud of!"

Nicole, Run-Ready Participant

Best Value

[2024] Run the Summer



RUN 3 - 5 km FASTER without feeling tired!

Valid for 3 months

Intro Assessment to Customize your Program

3 - 4 Planned Runs / Week

6 Minute Customized Daily Strength and Mobility Sessions

Private Group on our App to Inspire and Be Inspired

Access to Full Mobility Library

Access to Full Exercise Library

Daily Coaching Check-ins

Weekly Coaching Support

The 6 Week Program

This program is designed to SUPERCHARGE your cardio!

  • Built on the Adventure Ready Model to build the 5 S's of Cardio: Sprint, Surge, Strive, Steady, Saunter.

  • 3 - 4 runs per week, each only 20 minutes!

  • A daily 6 minute custom strength and mobility session.

  • Weekly coaching support and daily check-ins to help answer any questions and keep you accountable.

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Connect with your Peers

Having a PEER and PRO along for the ride is the key to success in any workout program!

  • Get access to our private, confidential, and small group chat on our app so you can connect with people who are also supercharging their running.

  • Share your accomplishments with the group for that extra boost of motivation.

  • Ask questions about exercises, finding new trails, running equipment, and more! 


Additional Weekly Workouts

To super-duper charge your running and cardio training.

  • Weekly trail running training videos for those who want to "go the extra mile" in their training.

  • Monday morning video that will remind you of your goals each week and get you stoked for your workouts and runs.​

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And did I mention?

You can do all of this


All the equipment you need, you likely already have in your house.

Join the Program for only $250

In the gym this training and all the bonuses would cost over $1,500 in a regular gym!

[2024] Run the Summer




How are the workouts delivered?

The workouts are delivered through our app, Fit by Wix

Each workout has two options:

1. A full follow along video of the workout (if you like that extra motivation!)

2. A written breakdown of the workout with video demonstrations of each exercise.

Do I have to do the workouts on the scheduled days?


If your workout schedule looks a little different than what we have in the hike program, that's ok. You can complete the workouts on the days that make sense for you.

What equipment do I need?

You Need: 

1) Added weight. These can be dumbbells, a barbell, a sandbag, or your cast iron pots and pans. 

2) A step (10,12 or 14 inches), and a space for yourself. This can be a step on your staircase, a sturdy chair or stool.

3) Resistance bands of a few different stretchiness. Sweaters or leggings work GREAT for resistance bands :)

What if I have a previous injury?

If you have a previous injury that makes movement difficult or you're worried about aggravating, I recommend visiting your doctor or physiotherapist first.


While this program is designed to help you build strength up gradually, we don't want to make an old injury worse unknowingly.

Before you start the program, we will complete a full Movement Assessment, where I can provide recommendations for mobility, exercise and workout modifications.


You can also send me a message here to see if this program will still fit.

Meet Your Coach, Alecia Williams.jpg



Level II Ski Coach

CPT, Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology with the High-Performance Specialization 

Bachelor of Kinesiology, University of Calgary


Alecia Williams

I’ve always been drawn to outdoor adventure. Elite ski racing, competitive trail running, rock climbing, mountain biking…I love getting outside and interacting with our world! 

With WILDR Fitness, I combine my love for adventure with a research-based approach to fitness training called the Adventure Ready Model. 

With this model, I've been able to accomplish some amazing things!

In 2021, this model helped me finish third for females at the Lost Soul 50km Trail Race.


In 2022, it also led me and my paddle partner to the fastest ever descent of the Yukon River by a female team in the Yukon1000—1,000 mile paddle race!

And just last week, it helped me and my team finish fourth in the Women's 100 Mile Relay Race at the Sinister 7! 

I believe the point of training is to increase your capacity to interact with the world around you, with confidence and without having to worry about injuries. 
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