Learn the EASY Fixes to Drastically Improve your Running Performance...
Learn The 4 Mistakes you're likely making in your training right now and why these are making running harder than it needs to be.
Most running training plans miss out on this crucial element — Muscular Development. Learn what types of training give you the BIGGEST payback in your cardio.
"The DRAW Method" — Swipe this super easy and PROVEN strategy to make your own 6 week training plan to run FASTER!
Get the 5 Secrets of Cardio Training that you NEED to have in your training to increase your running distances AND run faster.
Uncover the reason why running too much is likely holding back your running progress and increasing your risk for injuries!
Why knowing these secrets to improve your running training will also help you maintain those results in the long-term with minimal effort.
"I have been able to do longer distances in the mountains in a shorter time and not feel totally exhausted at the end of the trail. I've felt stronger in my day to day life, and hiking and running in the mountains is so much more enjoyable when your body is prepared for the adventure!"
Run The Summer Program Participant

Level II Ski Coach
CPT, Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology with the High-Performance Specialization
Bachelor of Kinesiology, University of Calgary
Hosted by Adventure Fitness Expert,
Alecia Williams
I’ve always been drawn to outdoor adventure. Elite ski racing, competitive trail running, rock climbing, mountain biking…I love getting outside and interacting with our world!
With WILDR Fitness, I combine my love for adventure with a research-based approach to fitness training called the Adventure Ready Model.
With this model, I've been able to accomplish some amazing things!
In 2021, this model helped me finish third for females at the Lost Soul 50km Trail Race.
And in 2022, it also led me and my paddle partner to the fastest ever descent of the Yukon River by a female team in the Yukon1000—1,000 mile paddle race!